Autor Tema: Juego Memorama en Visual Basic ejemplo ¿Cómo hacerlo de 2 jugadores?  (Leído 8280 veces)


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Tengo el codigo del juego en parejas (memorama) donde haces clic en cuadro te da una imagen, das click en otro i si es la misma imagen se queda y si no se ocultan ambos hasta que encuentres su pareja pero el problema es que es de un solo jugador.
Mi duda es como hacerlo de 2 jugadores

Código: [Seleccionar]
Public Class Form1

    ' Use this Random object to choose random icons for the squares.
    Private random As New Random

    ' Each of these letters is an interesting icon
    ' in the Webdings font,
    ' and each icon appears twice in this list.
    Private icons =
      New List(Of String) From {"!", "!", "N", "N", ",", ",", "k", "k",
                                "b", "b", "v", "v", "w", "w", "z", "z"}

    ' firstClicked points to the first label control 
    ' that the player clicks, but it will be Nothing 
    ' if the player hasn't clicked a label yet.
    Private firstClicked As Label = Nothing

    ' secondClicked points to the second label control 
    ' that the player clicks.
    Private secondClicked As Label = Nothing

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Assign each icon from the list of icons to a random square.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub AssignIconsToSquares()

        ' The TableLayoutPanel has 16 labels,
        ' and the icon list has 16 icons,
        ' so an icon is pulled at random from the list
        ' and added to each label.
        For Each control In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls
            Dim iconLabel = TryCast(control, Label)
            If iconLabel IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim randomNumber = random.Next(icons.Count)
                iconLabel.Text = icons(randomNumber)
                iconLabel.ForeColor = iconLabel.BackColor
            End If

    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Every label's Click event is handled by this event handler.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender">The label that was clicked.</param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub label_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label9.Click, Label8.Click, Label7.Click, Label6.Click, Label5.Click, Label4.Click, Label3.Click, Label2.Click, Label16.Click, Label15.Click, Label14.Click, Label13.Click, Label12.Click, Label11.Click, Label10.Click, Label1.Click
        ' The timer is only on after two non-matching 
        ' icons have been shown to the player, 
        ' so ignore any additional clicks if the timer is running.
        If Timer1.Enabled Then Exit Sub

        Dim clickedLabel = TryCast(sender, Label)

        If clickedLabel IsNot Nothing Then

            ' If the clicked label is black, the player clicked 
            ' an icon that's already been revealed -- 
            ' ignore the click.
            If clickedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black Then Exit Sub

            ' If firstClicked is Nothing, this is the first icon 
            ' in the pair that the player clicked, 
            ' so set firstClicked to the label that the player
            ' clicked, change its color to black, and return.
            If firstClicked Is Nothing Then
                firstClicked = clickedLabel
                firstClicked.ForeColor = Color.Black
                Exit Sub
            End If

            secondClicked = clickedLabel
            secondClicked.ForeColor = Color.Black

            ' Check to see if the player won.

            ' If the player clicked two matching icons, keep them 
            ' black and reset firstClicked and secondClicked 
            ' so the player can click another icon.
            If firstClicked.Text = secondClicked.Text Then
                firstClicked = Nothing
                secondClicked = Nothing
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ' If the player gets this far, the player 
            ' clicked two different icons, so start the 
            ' timer (which will wait three quarters of 
            ' a second, and then hide the icons).
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' This timer is started when the player clicks 
    ''' two icons that don't match,
    ''' so it counts three quarters of a second 
    ''' and then turns itself off and hides both icons.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        ' Stop the timer.

        ' Hide both icons.
        firstClicked.ForeColor = firstClicked.BackColor
        secondClicked.ForeColor = secondClicked.BackColor

        ' Reset firstClicked and secondClicked 
        ' so the next time a label is
        ' clicked, the program knows it's the first click.
        firstClicked = Nothing
        secondClicked = Nothing
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Check every icon to see if it is matched, by 
    ''' comparing its foreground color to its background color. 
    ''' If all of the icons are matched, the player wins.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Sub CheckForWinner()

        ' Go through all of the labels in the TableLayoutPanel, 
        ' checking each one to see if its icon is matched.
        For Each control In TableLayoutPanel1.Controls
            Dim iconLabel = TryCast(control, Label)
            If iconLabel IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               iconLabel.ForeColor = iconLabel.BackColor Then Exit Sub

        ' If the loop didn't return, it didn't find 
        ' any unmatched icons.
        ' That means the user won. Show a message and close the form.
        MessageBox.Show("Ganaste puto", "Congratulations!")

    End Sub

End Class
« Última modificación: 04 de Mayo 2015, 09:32 por César Krall »

César Krall

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Hola, he intentado hacer funcionar el código pero no he sabido cómo. He creado un TableLayoutPanel1, un Timer1 y 16 labels pero no consigo ver nada, lo único que me aparece si hago click en dos labels es ¡ganaste puto! ¿Qué se debe hacer para que el código funcione?

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Preguntas y respuestas

¿Cómo establecer o cambiar la imagen asociada (avatar) de usuario?
  1. Inicia sesión con tu nombre de usuario y contraseña.
  2. Pulsa en perfil --> perfil del foro
  3. Elige la imagen personalizada que quieras usar. Puedes escogerla de una galería de imágenes o subirla desde tu ordenador.
  4. En la parte final de la página pulsa el botón "cambiar perfil".